by admin | Jan 16, 2016 | News
Where to begin on these homemade mouthwatering danish. Our famous ricotta fazzolette is made with our finest in-house ricotta, wrapped in our silky smooth danish dough. The light yet velvety dough brings out the richness of our homemade ricotta filling. You can find...
by admin | Jan 16, 2016 | News
Once again this year, Pâtisserie Montebello took part in one of Quebec’s biggest bridal exhibition “Let’s Get Married/Marions-nous”. This is the second year Pâtisserie Montebello participates in the Let’s Get Married/Marions-nous...
by admin | Dec 19, 2015 | News
Pâtisserie Montebello is thrilled to announce the newest addition to the wall of fame, by proudly accepting the Winners of the Best “Baba au Rhum” in the entire city of Montreal. The event took place this past August 2015 during the Montreal Italian week....